Are you ready for your daily dose of Data? Welcome to my Website!
Remember Mary Poppins? It is a muscial produced by Walt Disney that starred Julia Andrews as the lead character. She was a nanny with amazing ablities and sang a song called a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine do down. When you start day, a good way to begin is with the idea that you will learn something new.
You might be challenged. How you respond defines you incorporate new information into what you already know. If some you learn upsets you may react quickly and judge the information and question its validity. when you allow your self to think or process information before passing judgement then you are more likely ro respond to a situation with a thought out response, instead of reacting.
Thinking about learning something new each day we can prespare ourselves for a daily does of data. Introspection can help process the information. It can also make it more palletable for the mind to consume and further process the data for insights.